Announcement: @AbuNft Joins EON Guardians

Chris Hui
4 min readSep 29, 2022


A red oni smiling with fangs, wearing thick rimmed glasses
@AbuNft’s profile picture

The EON Guardians team is excited to announce that Ash (@AbuNft) has officially joined us as Community Lead! The following is a Twitter thread transcript in Ash’s own words:

Am proud to announce that I am officially joining the @EONGuardians team to help build out their community!

@EONGuardians is aiming to build a fun Monster Hunter like experience with the Ethos of Web3 and Fun-First game design philosophy

A short 🧵 on the project:

I was first introduced to the founders @corgipunk & @K017G via the one and only @MatDefies! I had already been looking for Web3 Work and it just so happens @EONGuardians were looking for a builder.

Screenshot of first introduction via Discord

Right off the bat — I knew that this was a project that ticked a lot of boxes for me personally. Beyond just aligning on the game’s vision we had good rapport and aligned on key values and the web3 culture:



✅Fun-First Experience


Michael Buble check gif

+A huge personal plus for me was being able to be directly involved with building a Monster Hunter-like experience in this space.

A core part of my gaming experience was Monster Hunter. I played every game from Freedom unite on the PSP till the latest Rise games!

FAQ Time! (nobody asked but humor me for a bit here)

Q: Where is the project now?

The project is currently in Pre-Production: @corgipunk and @K017G are directing art, gameplay systems & more behind the scenes.

Early NFT-Backers can help support the project (est Oct) and receive in-game rewards and be part of the creative process.

Q: Who are the rest of the team? What is their experience?

The team are @corgipunk & @K017G with art from @tamiwicinas

Team has extensive experience in game development having worked with EA and Lucasfilms IPs & @PlaySkateX

@EONGuardians will have formal introductions to them soon!

Q: Game Development takes a long time — why mint now?

We want to experiment with a new way to crowdfund and create experiences with Web3.

The community will directly be involved in the creation of our media forms and worldbuilding within the @EONGuardians ecosystem.

Beyond just the Game — we are also working on expanding the universe with an ongoing Manga.

There may be more mediums we explore!

Q: Why decide to join a project?

Over the last year and a half I have been inspired by the many amazing builders I have been lucky to meet through Web3 and our amazing @MTTM_Official community.

This has been something I have always wanted to pursue!

Q: What if the project fails? Market is down bad.

This is a very real possibility and one the team is very aware of. However we believe in the vision and future of Web3 for the long term.

We want to help push those values forward and make our mark.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō Yokohama GIF

Q: How can I find out more about the project and team?

You can check out our discord! (Its just me rn so come say Hi lol)

Our website:

Twitter: @EONGuardians

Q: Are you quitting Axie and MTTM?

Never! I was born to web3 in Lunacia and will always have a special place for my family in @AxieInfinity and @MTTM_Official

I am still pushing hard in the LBs and Tourneys. @1437_MT8 is out here building Web3 Dota and that hasn’t stopped him!

Thank you for making it this far! It is a new step in my journey — excited to get my own hands dirty building a game i want to play! I am truly thankful for everyone that has supported me and advised me thus far Special SO:





❤ ❤

Final P.S.

If you would like to chat Collabs / Partnerships / Seed Funding / Content Drop me a DM @AbuNft or at the @EONGuardians twitter!

Ok this is really the end — thanks everyone who made it to the end!

Find out more about EON Guardians at Join our Discord community here for news, announcements, collaborations, and more.



Chris Hui

Building @EONGuardians, lifelong gamer | Past: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm, Kabam, EA, THQ